Wellness Therapist
& Advanced Energetic Practitioner


Working remotely with clients around the world

Enhance Your Well-Being
by Working Within

Knowing how to actively use your inner capabilities is essential to meeting high-level challenges in life. The more you learn about using these untapped resources, the better equipped you will be to take back control and accomplish your goals.

The additional development of personal skills that can help you to optimize your energy, reduce stress, and improve your self-esteem will provide you with the focus and confidence you will need to enhance your overall well-being.

What I do…


Regain and maintain energy and find resilience by counteracting aversive energy patterns.

Inner Synchrony

Experience the healthy harmonizing effects of a realignment of your inner vibrational patterns.


Enhance self-esteem and self-acceptance through a greater awareness of your authentic self.

Stress Reduction

Discover how to effectively reduce chronic stress through a unique self-healing technique.


Wellness Specialist

Hi! I’m Gloria Romlewski, and I’m here to help enhance your well-being! As a wellness therapist and advanced energetic practitioner with over 35 years of experience, I help individuals from around the world to learn and experience the life-changing effects of developing an advanced mind-body-spirit relationship.

By appointment…
by Skype, Zoom, or WhatsApp.

Frequently asked questions…

  1. How does your method work?
    • My method deals directly with aligning and strengthening your energetic vibratory patterns. Using a unique method of harnessing energy waves that are naturally present in the environment, I remove vibratory interference patterns, thereby optimizing electrical energy flow and restoring chemical balance in the body.
  2. What makes your method so different?
    • I specialize in helping people to resolve issues that lack other means of remedy and often have symptoms that may be difficult to describe. During the initial session, I will teach you how to use a selection of unique higher-level tools that will help you to maintain and enhance your state of well-being. If you would like further guidance in developing your skills, I offer further sessions as you desire.
  3. Where did you learn your method?
    • I learned my method through daily practical experience by working alongside my mentor for 25 years.
  4. What are your fees?
    • Please contact me with a brief description of your problem and I will send you a quote within 48 hours.
  5. How long does a session last?
    • A session lasts about an hour over Zoom, Skype, or WhatsApp, either by video or audio calls., and a complimentary follow up session will be scheduled about a week afterward.

Call, text, or email to book an appointment to get started.

+ 1 604.404.6160



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